Filed Under: Mugs | Pioneer School | Field Ministry Supplies | Notebooks | Greeting Cards | Candles | Balloons | Tote Bags | Spanish
Excited to share the launch of a new and comprehensive gift collection!
An adorably illustrated "Fully Accomplish Your Ministry" or "Cumple Completamente tu Ministerio" set of gifts available on mugs, greeting cards, notebooks, contact card holders, candles, balloons, and tote bags! :) Take a peek below and if you're seeing this on launch week, you'll enjoy introductory pricing and a special discount ;)
Filed Under: Mugs | Pioneer School | Field Ministry Supplies | Notebooks | Greeting Cards | Candles | Balloons | Tote Bags | Spanish
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Filed Under: Mugs | Pioneer School | Botanical | Birds | Customizable | Floral | Painting | Paradise
A new design is available!!
I really love this fuchsia and humming bird painting which has been adapted to a mug design. It has a lovely reminder to observe intently the birds of heaven.... "You are worth more" This is a comforting reminder that whatever you are anxious about, Jehovah God knows and will care for your needs! :) Choose a mug that is ready for Pioneer School 2023 or request the personalized option - Name, Baptism Date etc.
Filed Under: Mugs | Pioneer School | Botanical | Birds | Customizable | Floral | Painting | Paradise
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Filed Under: Sticker Downloads | DIY Ideas | Button Pins | Magnets| Downloads | Cruise | Travel Gifts | Cruising Rubber Ducks | Cruising Ducks
Cruise Duck Pins
If you're into the *cruising rubber duck game*, some new pins are available including a customizable option! Cute for you and your cruise buddies or you can hide them instead of the *traditional rubber ducks* ;)
Cruise Duck Tags
If you're just looking for Cruise Duck Stickers or cruising Duck Tags to affix to your cruising rubber ducks, *this* instant download is available for you!
Filed Under: Sticker Downloads | DIY Ideas | Button Pins | Magnets| Downloads | Cruise | Travel Gifts | Cruising Rubber Ducks | Cruising Ducks
*You May Also Like: Cruise Food*Pin For Later & Share With A Friend!
Filed Under: Sticker Downloads | DIY Ideas | Back To School | Convention Gifts | Downloads | Exercise Patience | Seja Paciente | Tenga Paciencia | 2023 JW Convention
These cute stickers would be lovely on a treat bag for your regional, special, or international convention! Also great back to school stickers, don't you think!?
Filed Under: Sticker Downloads | DIY Ideas | Back To School | Convention Gifts | Downloads | Exercise Patience | Seja Paciente | Tenga Paciencia | 2023 JW Convention
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Filed Under: Exercise Patience | Seja Paciente | Tengan Paciencia | Pens | Convention Gifts | Spanish | DIY Ideas
Exercise Patience 2023 Regional Convention Pens
Click or Tap any image for more details or to order!
Want More Exercise Patience Gift Ideas?
Click here for 2023 convention gift ideas including pins, pens, downloads, stickers and more!
Filed Under: Exercise Patience | Seja Paciente | Tengan Paciencia | Pens | Spanish |Convention Gifts | DIY Ideas
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Filed Under: Surface Pattern Design - Spoonflower Design Challenges - Floral - Home Decor - Spoonflower Design - Art Biz
This week's Spoonflower design challenge was to find inspiration in the buttercup flower family. Apparently this includes the cheery little yellow flowers we think of initially as well as clematis, columbine, and any flower in the ranunculaceae flower family!
For art licensing inquiries, please message me *here* Thanks! :)
-----> order a swatch here <-----
I went with a painted style trio of cheery butter cup flowers on a toned down yellow background. The repeat is a diamond repeat reminiscent of argyle and would look cute on throw pillows, duvets, and window treatments. IRL you'll be able to appreciate the detailed brush strokes and linen texture of this floral surface pattern design. Feel free to Reach out if you need a resize!
Spoonflower Promo Codes and Discounts
Spoonflower regularly run promos and discounts on their product range.
Be sure to make an account and favorite designs (click/tap the heart) to be notified of sales! Also check for sales on their curated collection *here*
For art licensing inquiries, please message me *here* Thanks! :)
Filed Under: Sewing - Surface Pattern Design -Spoonflower Design Challenges - Floral - Home Decor - Spoonflower Design - Art Biz
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Filed under: Pioneer School • Mugs • Stickers • Spanish Designs • Pens • Enamel Pins • Notebooks • Magnets • Greeting Cards • Field Ministry Supplies
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Filed under: Pioneer School • Mugs • Stickers • Spanish Designs • Pens • Enamel Pins • Notebooks • Magnets • Greeting Cards • Field Ministry Supplies
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Our English congregation recently had a special ministry day where we worked along side the Portuguese language congregation. To start the day off on a "sweet" note, I thought it would be fun to bring a little treat. Alas, time escaped me and all I managed to do was buy a few bags of candy.
Penha Portuguese Candy
I went with a Portuguese favorite, Penha brand candies. Caramelos Sabor a fruit and caramels de leite. They are a soft candy with a lot of flavor and no artificial coloring, by the way!
The problem.
We picked up the candy after a long day at the carts, the night before our special ministry day. Unfortunately the grocery store didn't have any little baggies to make them cute and I wanted it to feel more special than just holding out a bag of candy, you know? But at home I don't have any tiny baggies, scotch tape, glue, ribbon, basically no crafting supplies as I gave them all away when we moved. All I had was paper and we finally got a printer! (It's an HP OfficeJet Pro 9010 series-AirPrint)
The solution.
Tried a few origami candy bag tutorials on YouTube. Give up on that idea. Instead decided to embrace simplicity and homemadeness with paper and scissors :)
Here's a vague tutorial
2. Gather Supplies
Cut out the papers and gather your supplies!
3. Make slits on either side of the artwork
I literally used my favorite paring knife for this lol
It's the best and I highly recommend adding it to your knife collection, it's affordable and top notch. --> See Also This Article: Best Kitchen Knives on Amazon
As you can see, no real science here. Just flying by the seat of my pants!
4. Tuck the candy in through each slit5. Fold the excess top and bottom border in.6. Fold the sides over7. Tuck the folded parts into each other so it all stays together!8. Ta-Da! Repeat as many times as you'd like!Wanna skip a step?
If you don't want to fold them into each other you can skip a step or two by just inserting the candy into the slits and then folding the sides at the back like so!
So there you have it! It's a simple and relatively quick little way to make the candies feel a little more special. It's full of imperfections, uneven edges, irregular cuts, text, and so on, but it doesn't matter. It's really the thought that counts and hopefully it is a small gesture that makes someone's day!
I hope this "tutorial" gives you some inspiration to do something cute and even better! I'd love to hear what you came up with or what candy/treat you used! Any time you think of it, feel free to leave a comment and share! Thanks for visiting Regalitos Para Ti DIY Gift Blog today! Remember to add this page to Pinterest so you can find it again later! ;-) Individually Wrapped Candies
Hey friends!
Here is a roundup of some very cute notebooks for the 2023 Exercise Patience Regional Convention. Some are available in Spanish and Portuguese as well as English :)
2023 Exercise Patience Floral Convention Notebook JW
Notebook by Olive Branch DS
Available in English & Spanish Exercise Patience Kids Activity Book FREE Extras 2023 Convention JW
Notebook by Pure Paper Joy
Lined Pages - Exercise Patience 2023 JW Convention Notebook - 150 Pages 5x7
Notebook by Regalitos Para Ti
Available in English, Spanish, Portuguese 2023 Exercise Patience Mountain Convention Notebook JW
Notebook by Olive Branch DS
Available in English & Spanish 2023 "Exercise Patience" Convention of Jehovah's Witnesses: Notebook for the "Exercise Patience" Convention - 2023
Notebook by Anne Holland
Exercise Patience! 2023 Convention of Jehovah's Witnesses: JW Regional Convention Notebook 2023, JW Gifts, Lion Cub
Notebook by Hattie Sophia
Regional Convention Template Journal : Exercise Patience, Convention Book
Notebook by Happier to Give
Notebook by Paperbee Gift Shop
2023 Exercise Patience JW Convention Notebook
Notebook by Happier to Give
JW Convention 2023 Exercise Patience Notebook Note Taking Journal - Jehovah’s Witnesses
Notebook by Gingers Give and Dime
Want More Exercise Patience Gift Ideas? |
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